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This 'Pick a Crystal' reading is timeless, so whenever you happen to discover, there maybe a message destined for you!


1. Use your intuition to guide you to your choice of crystal - three options are on the slide-show below: Pyrite crystal, Amethyst crystal or the Garnet crystal.

2. Once you have made your choice, view the relative tarot-spread by clicking across the slide-show.

3. To view my intuitive guidance, scroll to the bottom of the page!

Credit to:

Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards: Kyle Gray (Artwork by Lily Moses).




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*Pyrite Crystal*


You/your strength or gift in this life is represented by the "White Eagle", the "Native American shaman" who helps forge connections in the spiritual world by channelling spiritual lineage/heritage, encouraging movement in sacred ceremonies and clearing space to honour change/transitions/celebrations in life.

You have come a long way and have been successful in healing recurring family wounds or toxic patterns of behaviour. Through the performance of ceremony/ritual, you have become aware of how far you have grown, recognising the shifts in your awareness, your healing and your life's journey, which places you in a state of grace, gratefulness and gratitude.

Know that your ancestors are connecting with your spirit, assisting you in this creation of a new loving energy in place with your family.   


Your life right now is represented by the motherly love of "Gaia", the "Great Mother".

Your life path is blessed and protected by the Earth.. you are revitalising and healing, where possible, any potential mother-relationship issues you may have, and all the while you are surrounded in a peaceful, loving, cocoon of protection. Make sure not to let fear or your ego destabilise your ability to stay grounded, and continue to love and respect all beings and the planet - know that the Earth is blessed to have you!


Supporting your happiness is "Kali-Ma", the "Hindu goddess of death and rebirth". 

She is the essence of intense transformation, bringing to an end an old cycle in your life so a new experience can begin. In order to move through this transition, fear needs to be looked boldly in the eye for you to move forward with a strong, courageous, and focused nature and intention, to reach the other side/the next phase of your life where you will truly take flight!


An obstacle that you are overcoming is represented by "Radha", the "Hindu goddess.. considered to represent "Shakti", the divine feminine and creative spirit of the universal life force". Through her experience, she provides her support to those who require relationship-healing as a result of potential loss of a partner or some form of separation. 

You are awakening and re-discovering a part of yourself that you lost, learning to love yourself again and feel whole.. this will attract relationships that reflect the love you feel for yourself, thus manifesting harmonious loving bonds and connections into your life. Know that you are deserving of divine love!


What your angels want you to know is represented by "Sanat Kumara", an "advanced cosmic light being.. dedicated to helping the Earth rise up towards the light.. leader of the Keepers of the Light.. acknowledged as a god in Hinduism and in the Mahabharata story".

Know the reason for feeling that your life is quite chaotic, (having been pushed in so many directions), is due to the fact that your inner light draws people towards you. Your energy activates the heart and light of those that seek it, brightening their world. Take notice of your intuition and draw the divine light into you in order to continue to inspire humanity, to make a better, more brighter world.


What your guides want you to know is represented by "The Myriam", the "twin flame angels who come as one" whom appeared to Mary Magdalene after Jesus' passing to help her with her grief.

You have an opportunity to experience forgiveness (of yourself and/or of others) and heal at a deep level. Seeing the light of God in all and knowing that love has no boundaries will inspire your growth.


What your heart wants you to know is represented by "Mahavatar Babaji", a "deeply respected master yogi.. introduced to the world through the teachings of the Indian yogi Paramahansa Yogananda.. said to have an invisible temple in the Himalayas that can appear to those he wants to connect with". Many see him as like Jesus Christ himself, as he encompasses great guidance, love, forgiveness and acceptance.

When you connect and listen to your heart, you will increasingly, consciously feel an awareness of your infinite inter-connectivity/union to God and Earth's living beings. This union, termed "yoga" is a spiritual practice, which goes beyond the physical towards the acknowledgement of a higher awareness, due to the expansion of your consciousness/psyche through retreat, inner rest, meditation and devoting time to the divine. This union teaches you that the pattern of your life thus far has been formed via energetic waves, manifested through your own thoughts and actions. Know that inner rest pays off, as it encourages soul expansion and increased awareness of the inter-connectivity between all things, leading you to gain a deeper understanding that you hold the power, through your own thoughts and actions, to manifest for yourself the future you desire.



*Amethyst Crystal*


You/your strength or gift in this life is represented by "Lady Nada", the "priestess of love.. of Atlantis". She brings opportunities to awaken our hearts to divine love, encouraging the light within our hearts to grow.. revealing our true selves.

You have ceased the opportunity to overcome past pain/trauma/obstacles/heartbreak in your life, your heart now being open to experiencing the giving and  receiving of divine love in a balanced way.. so that you can accept, love and cherish yourself and allow yourself to be accepted, loved and cherished by others. Trust the vulnerable feeling of true love and soul expansion, as it serves as confirmation that there are no more obstacles to overcome - it will be a harmonious, real and pure feeling, that is gifted to you for you to experience harmonious relationships on all levels. 


Your life right now is represented by "Lady Venus", a "Venusian" (light being of the planet Venus), whom helps light workers connect to, understand and share divine love.

You may be experiencing signs and synchronicities, physically and/or through meditation/sleep, which you may find difficult to make sense of. You may experience sensitivity to high-pitched noise, see flickers/orbs of light that randomly catch your attention, and/or have a sense that you are being visited by divine beings in your sleep.

Know that you are receiving downloads and deep spiritual insights from the astral plane, which helps reveal the truth you seek. Lady Venus can help you focus and connect to these particular energies, establishing a connection with the heavens, so that you can further understand your spiritual calling.. so whenever these occurrences take place, spend time contemplating, asking the universe what truth you need to know.

You receive these downloads as the universe sees you as capable of processing, understanding and revealing the truth, in order to assist yourself and others in reaching new, higher levels of understanding and overall higher energetic vibration!


Supporting your happiness is "Cernunnos", the "Celtic stag god".. the "lover of the Great Mother" (Gaia), whom fertilises the land for life to exist on Earth, helping forge connections with animal spirits and the land's ancestors.

There is a deep, creative life-force within you, (a lot of extra energy which may take the form of increased sensual or sexual drive), which allows you to explore and delve into the richness of your soul and spiritual calling. This force needs to be expressed, channeled and put into action, as when it is suppressed, your spiritual prospects become muted and tamed.

You must not deny yourself of your desire - ask yourself how you can fulfil it! Cernunnos can assist you in accessing your sexual self, expressing it with integrity in a way that honours your soul.

Know that if you are trying for a child at this time, fertility is also highly possible!


An obstacle that you are overcoming is represented by "Isis", the "strong, smart and focused Egyptian winged goddess", whom, according to legend, has the ability to move from the darkness (the underworld) to the light (heaven), helping us move from our fears to our own love.. thus bringing our dreams into reality by reviving what once was "killed-off", due to fears or lack of self-belief.

You are extremely powerful at this time, and are relieving yourself of your fears. As a result, your dreams are starting to manifest into your outer reality. Ensure to keep focused on the highest good of all, and avoid reliving your history of feeling unsupported. You are recognising your inner strength and power, acknowledging where you once were and how far you have come in transforming that situation/time in your life, focusing on gratitude. This discipline and commitment you exert is aligning you with infinite universal abundance. Know that universal magic and manifestation is all around you - and that you're communicating with the cosmos when you daydream/meditate/sleep, drawing your life-enhancing creative ideas into your reality.

So keep up with the good work, and continue to focus on your dreams, visions and goals.. you are moving towards an exciting time!


What your angels want you to know is represented by "Lord Ganesh", the "Hindu elephant-headed god", a joyful god whom has a real love and passion for life. Ganesh utilises his light to remove all obstacles and clear up any inner conflicts, to create the perfect life path.

It is important for you to move beyond any limitations placed upon you, and to replace the feeling of "it's not meant to be" with "if this is for my highest good then the universe will take me there safely". Know that you have the power to create change, and Ganesh is here to help you.. to clear the way!


What your guides want you to know is represented by "Faith", the "twin flame of Archangel Michael".

Know that you have done so much good in the world. You may feel like you have gone through a lot of personal transformations, and that you are not getting anywhere, but you must look beyond these limitations that your fear and ego have placed upon you. You are guided to stay calm, breathe, have faith and trust the good in yourself and in others.. when you do this you recognise that you are love, seeing the light and good in yourself and in others. This mentality will attract those who reflect this love back to you, allowing you to enjoy true, loving relationships in your life, and in the world around you. Your guides want you to know that good is here to stay.


What your heart wants you to know is represented by "Archangel Michael", famously known as one of four main archangels in the Abrahamic religions known and loved for his protection against fear, difficulties and drama, helping us awaken our leadership qualities within to see the light of truth, through connection with heaven, and to energetically disconnect from anything that's no longer serving.

Know that you are not alone, even though you may be feeling overwhelmed/sensitive. You are being invited to take a step back, so that your angels can clear away anything that is not serving you for your highest good, and embrace their miracles of change which you so deserve. Avoid the doubt-mentality of not being sure that your prayers are being heard - doubt blocks solutions! Your angel team are with you and are protecting you.



*Garnet Crystal*


You/your strength or gift in this life is represented by "Commander Ashtar", a "multi-dimensional being who promotes truth, peace and harmony between the planets". He is part of the "Great White Brotherhood", a group of light beings that bring healing.. guiding those who feel the spiritual call to uplift, inspire and bring positivity to those around them, encouraging them to walk their path with integrity.

Through divine inspiration and loving support you are being called to action, to step up as a leader and create the changes you wish to see in the world. You are required to be honest, true and assertive.. in a loving way, and must not hold back due to fears and your ego. Once you take the first step, the second will follow suit soon enough. You are not alone in your life's mission.. loving beings are always watching you - you'll feel this when you connect to the universe, when you gaze up and see the stars shining down upon you.


Your life right now is represented by "Paul the Venetian", the "ascended form of Paolo Veronese", a famous Italian artist of the Renaissance, who helped humanity through his life-long wisdom. He helps us recognise our talents, and hone our skills in order to share our soul's unique gift with the world.

Know that any creative ideas you have now, are divinely inspired. Paul brings waves of encouragement, energy and grace to those that need support in channelling their talents. Now is the time in your life for you to recognise who you really are, and the talent that you can share through your unique grace and self-expression. Express yourself in a creative way that suits you - your creativity is a true gift to the world, that needs sharing with all those around you!


Supporting your happiness is "Mary Magdalene", the twin flame of Master Jesus, who was a great teacher, visionary, and clairvoyant, whom had the ability to shake up crowds and bring humanity back to their heart-centre, to honour their highest good. She was a rebel in the fact that she encouraged others who felt restricted by the opinions of others to speak their truth.

You may feel that some people dismiss you, or be condescending towards you, but know that you are being guided to fulfil your strong desire to share what you have learned with the world. You must not let anything stop you from following your inner call - know that vulnerability is your greatest strength as you are trusting the power of your soul, which can and will never be broken. The world needs you and your wise teachings. Your wonderful leadership qualities and wisdom that you have a strong desire to share, are being backed by heaven, so take the step forward and share your inner light!


An obstacle that you are overcoming is represented by "Faith", the "twin flame of Archangel Michael".

Know that you have done so much good in the world. You may feel like you have gone through a lot of personal transformations, and that you're not getting anywhere, but you must look beyond these limitations that your fear and ego have placed upon you. You are guided to stay calm, breathe, have faith and trust the good in yourself and in others.. when you do this you recognise that you are love, seeing the light and good in yourself and in others. This mentality will attract those who reflect this love back to you, allowing you to enjoy true, loving relationships in your life, and in the world around you. Good is here to stay!


What your angels want you to know is represented by "Mother Mary", the mother of Jesus, also known as "the saint of the people". She brings unconditional love, peace, acceptance and faith to anyone who calls on her, bringing healing to the world, especially in times of conflict, and is dedicated to supporting mothers and their children.

It is time for you to let go of any conflicts or the need to be right. The more you feel you have to fight to get your point across (by highlighting the wrongdoings/mistakes of others), the unhappier you will become.. thus blocking the road to love in your own life. You are encouraged to forgive, however, know that forgiveness doesn't mean letting anyone get away with their bad choices - it is about no longer dwelling on this by choosing instead to create your own happiness.

Healing is also brought to you and your mother.. if you are out of contact or have an old trauma, Mary's light is here to dispel the darkness.


What your guides want you to know is represented by "Brigid", the "Celtic goddess of Ireland", whom adds longevity to our journey so that we can work towards a deep state of wholeness, and helps channel our energy into something important for our personal and spiritual growth. She helps burn away anything that is not serving our greater good, blesses any new opportunities/projects and supports fertility.

Realise that you have come a long way since the beginning of your journey, and that you are more powerful than you think. You have an inner strength so powerful that you have the ability to create and manifest wonderful, abundant changes in your life, while inspiring others to follow suit. Keep the look out for opportunities/projects/fertile ideas that can grow into something bigger than you could have ever imagined. Your way ahead is lit before you.


What your heart wants you to know is represented by "Diana", the "Roman moon goddess of the hunt", whom is associated with the moon and deeply connected to the wild animals of the night. She signifies the ability to tune in to our intuitive side, which helps guide us towards our goals, as well as helps us focus on our vision, encouraging women to move into their true power, thus promoting equality for all.

It is time for you to move forward with unwavering faith, any fear simply standing as a reminder that what you are working on is important for your growth. Your focus, though strong, will be particularly powerful on the full moon. Be aware of night messages, as you may miss them in the day due to a busy schedule - though the best thing is to set some time aside to perform a deep meditation to receive the important messages and guidance, in order to assist you in manifesting what you deserve.


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