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This 'Pick a Colour' reading is timeless, so whenever you happen to discover there maybe a message destined for you!


1. Use your intuition to guide you to your choice of colour - three colour options are on the slide-show below: pink, yellow or green.

2. Once you have made your colour choice, view the relative tarot-spread by clicking across the slide-show.

3. To view my intuitive guidance, scroll to the bottom of the page!

Credit to:

Angel Tarot Cards: Radleigh Valentine (Artwork by Steve A. Roberts).




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The Law of Attraction: Manifest Your Soulmate: List
The Law of Attraction: Manifest Your Soulmate: Gallery



Your soulmate comes across as a very positive, optimistic person with a go-getter attitude, seizing opportunities that others may not have seen! They don't just dream of grand ideas - they put their dreams into action, with a strong determination to manifest through their incredible tenacity and robust will-power.


In order to attract this person into your life you will need to finalise an important life-cycle. You will know once this cycle has completed as you will feel enlightened having advanced to a new level spiritually. You will feel whole with a great sense of gratitude and will have an air of freedom about you, making you ready to want to move on to pursue something brand-new following your new-found clarity of how to obtain the joy and contentment in your life that you seek. 


In order to make yourself more open to this connection, you need to be ready for a fresh new start! So when any new adventures/career opportunities/ideas/exciting information gets presented to you, ensure to embrace with full enthusiasm if you yearn for that change in your life and for your dreams to become realised!


What you may not be expecting about this person is that they will love their work and will be very skilled and talented, with very good communication skills. They will be a very good team player and will know how to materialise and deliver what people want and will be able to help others reach their goals and potential. They could be a teacher of some sort or an artist or will be involved in something that they are passionate about that expresses their creativity, hard work, and their proactive nature.


You will manifest meeting this person by not behaving too conservatively - by not being averse to change and being more open to non-traditional values and opportunities that come your way that excite you! Embrace the change and do not let fear/caution limit you in any way in making your decisions and going for it! So, if you have been considering utilising your usual free time towards a worthy cause that you are interested in and/or passionate about, then donate this time you shall! 


When you meet this person you will feel like you've reached a great milestone in your life having found a deep and soulful connection. It will be a very fertile connection where seeds will be well-planted in order to grow into a very fruitful and abundant future. However you may feel, after you have met, that you may need to take a little pause in action before moving forward in the connection, such as a short rest/vacation to reflect and recharge your batteries due to possible worry - know that this worry is not necessary and will be temporary!


You will know this person is your soulmate as you will feel as if you have manifested your dreams, as if all your life experiences have trained and led you to this moment. It will be and feel like the right time in your life to focus on this new journey in love - the door will be wide open for you! You may lack initial confidence or have some fears, but know that you will be more prepared than you will realise to move forward on this journey, so no procrastinating! It will be that time to find your inner strength and self-confidence to embrace the magic before you!


To better understand the law of attraction, you will need to stay committed to your dreams by taking a leap of faith. It is important to be optimistic, to follow your inner guidance and to believe in yourself. The universe wants success and great things for you, so ensure that you take the steps towards assisting the universe in materialising this for you. Further, stay open to signs/guidance/insight from others which can help you find solutions/combat any challenges when proceeding forward in taking this leap of faith towards manifesting this new and exciting journey with your soulmate! 





Your soulmate comes across as a very positive, optimistic person with a go-getter attitude, seizing opportunities that others may have not seen! They don't just dream of grand ideas - they put their dreams into action, with a strong determination to manifest through their incredible tenacity and robust will-power.


In order to attract this person into your life you will need to manifest inner strength.. a kind, gentle and compassionate strength from the core of your spirit. To develop this inner strength you need to learn from all your life experiences and challenges, exercising patience/forgiveness, and believe in yourself in order to develop your wisdom and attain personal growth.


To make yourself more open to this connection you need to imagine things working out the way you had hoped for and all of your wishes coming true, leaving concerns fade into the distance. Enjoy and appreciate the beauty, happiness and contentment in your life; the simple pleasures, in order to attract this connection which will bring forth even more comforts and happiness towards you.


What you may not be expecting about this person is that they have incredible tenacity and will-power, with their strength giving them the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges where others would have easily given up. They possess an unlimited potential to achieve their dreams and will persevere until they reach their goals.


You will manifest this person by having belief in yourself and allowing your uniqueness and ingenuity to shine through! Express your passion for life by enthusiastically seeking out new experiences/projects and making things happen through optimism, creativity, confidence and your inner mischief!


When you meet this person you will feel like you have faced a new revelation in your life where you are suddenly seeing the truth, due to having followed your intuition and having embraced the path of your heart's true desires. This meeting and the feeling you will get will make you feel free and awake, and will motivate you to stop procrastinating and to take action towards this person as a result of seeing yourself and the world as forever changed, thus encouraging you to grow in this connection, to spread your wings and fly!


You will know this person is your soulmate as they will be respectable, positive, diplomatic and will be motivated to take the reigns in the relationship. This person will likely be a leader in their field, possibly working for law enforcement or for a government agency and will be authoritative yet a kind person that will emanate stability and security in your life. They will be structured and organised and will have a desire to make this relationship succeed. They will have a plan with you for the future on how the relationship will grow and flourish, and will want to execute that plan. They will be very keen on parenthood.


To better understand the law of attraction, your energies need to be balanced and harmonious. Ensure that the relationships around you are genuine, strong and trustworthy in order to feel loved and contented, as this harmonious balance of energies will attract upcoming joy and unconditional love into your life in the form of your soulmate!





Your soulmate comes across as a wise and experienced person, as well as professional and smart with a witty sense of humour.. being humorous in an intelligent way! They will be career orientated, decisive with a no nonsense attitude, whom mainly tends to love with their mind at first having seen the darker side of life of which they have survived - this makes them a big advocate for truth and honesty in a relationship.


In order to attract this person into your life you need to put in the work to cut out unnecessary or burdensome activities from your schedule to create balance in your professional and personal life. You must slow your pace to a more comfortable, less stressful level.


In order to make yourself more open to this connection you need to celebrate your accomplishments, recognise your successes, then use the success as fuel to carry on with your next endeavour, creating a blueprint for the future. You need to maintain your enthusiasm for the long-term for the goals you still wish to attain. In order to maintain your self-satisfaction, explore new possibilities to potentially promote your business or talents, accept an important job, travel for business, get involved in managing people, seek wise counsel to support your thriving business etc. Maintaining your long-term self-satisfaction and enthusiasm for success is key!


What you may not be expecting about this person is that even though they are intelligent, independent, quick-witted, convincing, active and difficult to throw off guard, they have a good nature, are attractive, warm, graceful, intuitive, creative and have a magnetic personality with a love for life! They also have great self-confidence and are well rounded in terms of their skills and talents. They like attention and have a desire for recognition. They also wish to strike a balance between home and career life.


You will manifest meeting this person by spending time alone, drawing your attention inwards, venturing on the inner path of self-discovery and acknowledging your inner voice/your inner light to find any answers that you seek. Becoming more intuitive and enlightened can only occur through inner work/reflection, healing, and self care, away from any current demands. Therefore take essential time to meditate, to be silent and listen to your heart's truth. You will obtain great wisdom by going on this inner spiritual quest, clearing your mind of all clutter that comes with everyday life which will provide guidance on what is right and what your next steps will be; helping you to reevaluate your life for the better so that you make better and wiser life decisions, positively impacting your manifestation ability. 


When you meet this person you will feel like you have earned it, through your inner wisdom and stamina to materialise. You will want to actively protect what you feel will be a well-earned connection in your life, making you possibly feel slightly paranoid about it. Draw on your inner strength and courage, believe in yourself and know that this is a connection that you will not give up on due to unnecessary fears, paranoia or tiredness.. that could potentially hold you back. 


You will know this person is your soulmate as you will feel challenged - yet in an enjoyable way, but at the same time it could wear you out a little. This connection will feel like it is keeping you on your toes! There may be a lack of clarity between you at times which could cause you to get your wires crossed, or there may be different goals or values with regards to how to proceed, but you will know that regardless of your efforts to understand one another's viewpoint, success will be achieved.


To better understand the law of attraction you need to understand that you have every reason to feel hopeful for a happy, exciting and brighter future. The way you need to envision your future is that the challenging times are now behind you, and the dawn of a new day/a prosperous new beginning is ahead of you! Make plans with a view to the future - envision your life the way you wish it to turn out, and take action towards that fulfilment that you seek. All plans and expectations will be planted in fertile soil, so trust your intuition, and you will be right on target for this wonderful soulmate connection to enter your life! 




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