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This 'Pick a Colour' reading is timeless, so whenever you happen to discover there maybe a message destined for you!


1. Use your intuition to guide you to your choice of colour - three colour options are on the slide-show below: pink, yellow or green.

2. Once you have made your colour choice, view the relative tarot-spread by clicking across the slide-show.

3. To view my intuitive guidance, scroll to the bottom of the page!


​Credit to:

1. Angel Tarot Cards: Radleigh Valentine (Artwork by Steve A. Roberts).

2. THE Universe HAS YOUR Back: Gabrielle Bernstein (Artwork by Micaela Ezra).




All offerings are voluntary, optional, discretionary, and greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering a gift to support me in my mission!

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What makes your unique-ness is that you are comfortable in your own energy, which means that you’re never lonely when alone! You are in tune with your inner voice through meditation. You experience joy and enlightenment when you go inwards and seek your inner-most truth - this joyful self-discovery of yours being supported by the universe. You have a unique wisdom that you can share with others, you are able to provide very good advice and are an excellent mentor. This is part of your spiritual journey/your quest in life.


To unlock your "inner shimmer", it's time to believe in your dreams. You have to look into the future with optimism, excitement and confidence. Challenging times are behind you. Make long-term plans, envision your life the way you want it to be and take action in that direction! You have the ideal environment to sow the seeds of your expectations and you're on target with your intuition. Time to have a little faith!


Your love of life, of freedom, of being self satisfied and looking at what makes you feel pleasure helps manifest your creative wishes coming true, brushes away all your concerns and your financial hopes get realised! So, enjoy the simple pleasures in life, the beauty, happiness and contentment all around you, and get those creative juices flowing!


Unlock your compassion through enthusiasm and your self-assuredness

(but make sure to tap into your wisdom to avoid making any rash decisions). Embrace your fearless, confident, adventurous, loyal and charismatic self!


The key to unlocking life's riches is through your self-expression. Now is the time to embrace new adventures that present themselves and to enthusiastically pursue innovative ideas. It is a very good time to take risks and to follow your dreams... as it will change your life!


To gain peace of mind, it is time to review plans and look at things from a fresh perspective. If things have come to a standstill, use this time to rethink your strategies, step outside the norm and embrace your unique beliefs and attitudes. It's key to be patient, to know that the power lies in being yourself and to seek the answers in the most unusual. Be generous with your time, your attention and your gifts, as this will be returned by the universe manyfold! 


What makes you most joyful in life is when you are doing what’s right, when you are taking responsibility and resisting any injustice - when fairness is extended to everyone - and when you're on top of all your responsibilities and paperwork!​


Your hidden gem: you are very diligent, skilled, resourceful and are excellent at paying attention to the details. Your heart lies in your work and in your studies. You’re dedicated to learning and developing yourself in your career, endeavour or project. You know there's no limits to embracing and researching all there is to know about a topic. Your commitment, dedication, skill and talents will soon be rewarded!





What makes your unique-ness is that you are someone who cares about others and is quick to help out and lend a hand. You are warm, creative, intelligent, efficiently able to solve problems, unselfish, family orientated, sensible, excellent with money, down to earth yet you enjoy quality things.


​To unlock your "inner shimmer", embrace the sense of calm within you, which will intuitively guide you to what to do next! Trust your feelings and insights about others. Nurture yourself just as you nurture those around you - this nurturing love supports you in your dreams!


You unlock your creativity in areas such as the law, science or business, utilising your excellent objective and diplomatic speaking skills. You speak your mind with confidence and can stand in your power, be impartial, professional, balanced and motivated!


You can unlock your compassion by improving your health... that will lead you to realise that your flow of abundance is a gift.


The key to unlocking life's riches is to have faith in your wisdom and move forward in that faith. Listen to your intuition and be decisive. If there is any stalemate, compromise to find a solution. Release any self-doubt, stop over analysing or if there is a problem, don’t ignore it - set forth for a resolution!


To gain peace of mind, believe in yourself. Be optimistic, confident and courageous, get busy/enthusiastic and seek out a new endeavour/challenge. Dazzle people with your originality and ingenuity!


What makes you most joyful in life is when positive changes occur following difficulties in the past: when you are faced with a fresh start with new exciting opportunities... when old blocks are lifted so that you can move forward with rapid advancement... when you realise that a difficulty in the past actually turned out positive for you, like a twist of fate/destiny.


Your hidden gem: there's a prosperous new beginning and a brighter time ahead for you. Your expectations for yourself are planted on fertile soil and your plans will last the long term. You are on the right path!





What makes your unique-ness is your focus and devotion of energy to the task at hand. Your leadership inspires enthusiasm from others. You are a born leader! You have great charisma charm and flair. You have an ability to head a business/organisation. You are innovative, can accomplish great things, creative, idealistic, ambitious, influential, motivational, professional, theatrical and entrepreneurial. You can make a difference, having the confidence and ability to speak up in front of a group of people.​


To unlock your "inner shimmer" you have that will-power, that desire to win, which is so strong you have to put yourself first and focus on yourself above all else. If the situation hasn’t worked the way you wanted it to, you will always push yourself to try again.


Rapid inevitable change unlocks your creativity. When time runs out, you realise you cannot ignore your inner voice anymore, which pushes you into necessary action. This brings you freedom, growth and the ability to spread your wings creatively, allowing new insights to motivate you. You suddenly start to see the truth and embrace the path of your heart’s true desires and intuition.


Unlock your compassion by preparing well... review and evaluate in order to make your judgements more thoughtful, which will lead you to have confidence in the value of your choices.​


The key to unlocking life's riches is achieving that balance and harmony in your life... having peace, joy and unconditional love with those around you... having a string of trustworthy/genuine relationships, a happy marriage, security etc. When you feel blessed and loved your emotional and material needs are met!


To gain peace of mind, you need to cast your fears aside regarding a transition in your life, by embracing the presence of love. Move on and heal yourself from an un-beneficial situation - leave what you’ve outgrown, adjust and be kind to yourself!


What makes you most joyful in life is freeing yourself from an illusion of being trapped... freeing yourself in a healthy and harmonious way. When you mentally untrap yourself you allow yourself to see the truth of a situation, and can act with faith towards freedom and success!


Your hidden gem: you have great enthusiasm and you are very self assured. You can take charge of a situation and move quickly with decisive confidence on behalf of ones you love or causes you are passionate about. You are fearless, loyal, charismatic, self assured, adventurous and passionate about anything you take on - but ensure you exercise caution and utilise your wisdom! For you, this could mean potential for a sudden passionate love affair, a new home or upcoming business travel!


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