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The Rebel v. The Mould

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

Is a toxic environment something you're familiar with?

Have you been a victim for being true to who you are, not conforming to who someone else wants you to be?

Have you felt an urge to confront uncomfortable issues head-on, to try and eradicate a toxic pattern for the greater good?

It takes a rare and strong individual to intrude and take action against the "mould" that scarily thrives, growing bigger and grimmer by the day, when it is fed and supported by a strong and toxic influence.

You will find that many would rather keep feeding the growth, succumbing to the toxicity for an easier life, even if that means making their soul unhappy in the process.

These people may finally come to the realisation that their chosen stance actually brought them more harm than good, as they denied being true to who they were having essentially traded-in their self-worth, their individuality and the prospect of championing honest recognition, in favour of being ranked according to hierarchical favouritism and demoting themselves to one of the many “pets” choosing a reality of mediocrity, restriction and control, in order to feel what they falsely consider to be, "safe".

In the end, this decision to succumb to the toxicity doesn't actually serve their best interests in giving them the freedom and ability to develop as they would have hoped for, and to be truly recognised as that "mover and shaker". It more serves the influencer... the power-players, whom created a monster-type infrastructure through their innate insecurities, fearing the potential challenge by newer and brighter players that could push them off their pedestal! This fear leads them to exercise this control, restriction and suppression of everyone else's interests in favour of their own, in order to maintain power.

Being a "divine rebel" is someone that a toxic influence fears the most. They pose a threat to their intelligently manipulated masterpiece, seeing through any sugar-coating. They will speak the truth and dismantle anything that is serving an unloving agenda.

When a rebel starts to confront and oppose the mould's ideology, this can create a backlash against them, due to mostly being misunderstood as well as envied. There is a misunderstanding as to how the rebel has the boldness within them to go against the grain, so they are viewed as simply attention-seeking for the sake of it, when rather, their action is a product of divine design.

Rebels show that obstacles don't have to stop you, that there's always another way - that everyone has the freedom to, and should have the determination to challenge expectations of how things should be done... which, in contrast, a healthy environment would smartly embrace and learn from as a means of beneficial growth, rapidly turning that learning into action to obtain an ultimate competitive advantage.

The misunderstanding ultimately derives from living in a fear-based reality and not being as spiritually in-tune and advanced as the rebel. It is those who chose love over fear that will show the rebel support, and help towards the greater good.

If you have the divine rebel within you - a free spirited warrior who does not feel the need to succumb to control to feel safe, know that this is a rare and unique gift that made you into the wonderfully, true, bold and unapologetic you! You are not meant to desert yourself and do things the way you have been told to. You are to be the person that champions for positive, uncontrolled and unrestricted change based on unconditional love.

Love should not be suppressed, controlled and manipulated, and you have the will-power to go against the grain and accept all the challenges in defeating that behaviour, by standing up and speaking your mind, no matter the destiny. It is a challenge that you see a great privilege in conquering.

Never reduce yourself for someone else to feel comfortable. You are a role model of positive change for everyone, to help move this world from a fear-based reality to one of love and compassion!

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