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  • Writer's pictureMy Inner Shimmer

Be the commander of the battlefield in your mind, not its crew... for the dawn of a new day

Updated: May 17, 2020

We are currently experiencing a global shift, a shift so big that it impacts our socioeconomic situation and way of life as we have known it. It’s like we are being pushed through a new doorway whether we like it or not, as if a cycle has just run its course and a new one is beginning.

However this major change makes you feel - whether you feel like you’re unable to steer your own ship or struggling to keep your ship afloat altogether, this time calls for us to be warriors, as even though this new way effects our world we live in and our inner selves, we must be the commander of the battlefield in our mind, not its crew to ensure we realign ourselves to reach the shore safely!

There will be adversities, whether in your career, your relationships or with any other attachments you may have. It takes courage and will-power to overcome what this change throws our way and to look to new horizons, to face the unknown head-on while we figure out ways to adapt and evolve into a new way of being. Yet, while it is important to adapt on the outside, in order for ourselves to truly evolve, we must also adopt an inner spiritual interconnectedness to this change to ensure authentic transformation takes place - we need to do the inner healing work!

It is about surrendering to past attachments and what we have known, maintaining a balance of our energies while embracing the present moment and moving forward intuitively, not allowing negative energy to feed into our inner world to avoid tipping the balance causing feelings of panic and hysteria.

Once we let go of the need to constantly have control over our lives, and actually surrender, we will instantly gain strength, freedom and understanding. You will recognise your true inner self more than ever before, as layers of doubt and fear peel away which will no longer serve you on your new journey - and through this process you will become empowered by discovering your own unique fortune and the magic you hold inside - that which you were unable to see previously due to it being cloaked by fear and control.

No matter how difficult things may seem at times, the universe is always realigning your life for the better! It is time to open up and to trust in the universe’s plan. The brighter you shine your inner light, the brighter the illuminated path is out of the darkness towards a new transformed and uplifting world!

Remember that embracing yourself is your wealth... the power is within YOU!

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