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This 'Pick an Object' reading is timeless, so whenever you happen to discover there maybe a message destined for you!


1. Use your intuition to guide you to your choice of object - three options are on the slide-show below: glass slipper, heart mood stone or the painted egg.

2. Once you have made your object choice, view the relative tarot-spread by clicking across the slide-show.

3. To view my intuitive guidance, scroll to the bottom of the page!



Credit to:

Angel Tarot Cards: Radleigh Valentine (Artwork by Steve A. Roberts).




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*Glass Slipper*


Your vibration that you are currently emitting is one of extreme burden. There is a strong need for balance in your life. This could be a case of all work and no play.. a situation could be causing you immense stress.. you could be suffering with stress-related health problems or you could be overly obsessive over a particular issue in your life. You may feel like you are at the end of your tether/at breaking point - know that this is the darkness before a new dawn.. and so to make lighter this current burden in your life, you need to strike a balance and cut any unnecessary or burdensome tasks from your schedule, to slow your pace to a healthy, more comfortable flow.


You need to be more open to receiving movement in a positive direction following the successful balancing of both sides of this challenging situation in your life, which will place you in a calm and grounded position and from there you can take action and take that big leap forward, making clear decisions about what it is you wish to achieve. This involves self-discipline, willpower, your willingness to go the distance and may include travel of some kind, as well as exercising firm but kind/balanced control with people.. leading to an important achievement/accomplishment/promotion, making you feel joyful, gaining you the respect, approval or even the public recognition you deserve!


When you are more open to this, your intuition and psychic ability will become more powerful and you will receive great insights about yourself making you much more self-aware and more awakened to your truth, your inner bright light and inner voice, (which you have kept hidden thus far), leading you to trust your inner guidance and dispel any illusions affecting you that may cause you anxiety. Once you pay attention and embrace this period of self-awareness, you will be able to make clearer decisions that resonate with who you truly are, about what to do next, relieving any road-blocks in your life.


The next step you have to take (leap of faith) is to take action and get things done! No more planning.. it's time to take affirmative action in a positive direction through your renewed motivation towards increased abundance, by honouring any commitments you may have.. being attentive and thorough with the details.. arranging travel for business etc.


In order to manifest even more successfully, be open to the inflow of significant abundance and success after having laid your firm foundation for prosperity.. but always ensure you consider any opportunities that come your way carefully. This manifestation will provide you with excellent luck and may present you with important contracts/correspondence/a promotion/salary increase/success with a new business venture/a gift. It will also be the perfect time for any purchases, investments or even earning a qualification!


A message from your higher self/source energy/spirit is to have faith in your own wisdom and inner guidance and to move forward - to stop self-sabotaging through self-doubt.. overanalysing.. sweeping problems under the rug.. feeding conflicting emotions that keep you in a stalemate energy. Intuitively you know what to do, so don't be afraid to act!



*Heart Mood Stone*


Your vibration that you are currently emitting is a love for life.. freedom.. self-satisfaction.. joy and pleasure.. wishes coming true.. things working out the way you had hoped they would after past efforts. This energy depicts that you have the potential to be surrounded by good fortune, material comforts, beauty, contentment, with your financial hopes realised.


You need to be more open to receiving faith in your own wisdom in order to keep moving forward. If you are at a stalemate/struggling to make a decision or avoiding making a choice because you are happy with where you are at currently - not wanting to upset the apple-cart, know that intuitively you know what to do in order to act accordingly, so be open to your inner guidance rather than resting on your laurels/being satisfied with the status quo, pretending there's no problem or being complacent or unwilling to compromise. Let go of all fear!


When you are more open to this, your life will continue to move in a positive direction forward, dispelling the road-block(s) in your way. You will come to realise that this issue that tampers with your faith is actually positive for your advancement, as conquering it sets forth a clear course for taking that leap of faith towards making beneficial changes in your life and grasping new opportunities that present themselves to you.  


The next step you have to take (leap of faith) is to not race into action, but to take the time to gain more insight in relation to the situation you're in which may not be as it appears on the surface. You need to have faith and trust your intuition/psychic abilities, and take note of any intuitive messages in your dreams which can provide you with the guidance you seek. Silence is golden, so embrace quiet time.


In order to manifest even more successfully you need to pay attention to your dreams and your intuition/psychic ability to investigate the source of your fear/anxiety (whether it's linked to external factors or irrational concerns), and then trust and embrace your inner guidance and self-awareness to overcome the road-block(s), to see the truth through any illusions!


A message from your higher self/source energy/spirit is for you to be open to the inflow of significant abundance, prosperity and success once you have laid this firm foundation for yourself.. but ensure you consider any opportunities carefully that come your way. You will reap excellent luck and may be presented with important contracts/correspondence/a promotion/salary increase/success with a new business venture/a gift. It will also be the perfect time for making any purchases, investments or even earning a qualification!



*Painted Egg*


Your vibration that you are currently emitting is one of pure abundance! You are in the creative, nurturing, hard-working and successful "Empress" energy, where anything you can touch and turn your loving energy and focus to, will be nurtured to flourish also! This energy depicts that you have the potential to enjoy the bounty and finer things of life.. taking care and pride in your physical body and emotional health, basking in vitality and luxury, and spending quality time in nature. All endeavours.. whether there is an upcoming birth of a child, a new business endeavour, a marriage, new project, nurturing pets or plants, have the potential to be successful.


You need to be more open to receiving this prosperous new beginning by believing that your dreams can be your reality.. trust and follow your intuition (which is on point) and wish upon that star! Say goodbye to challenging times for brighter times. Take action as to what you envision for yourself, for the long-term.. all your expectations will be seeds well planted and will flourish in their fertile soil!


When you are more open to this, you will truly leave a past difficult situation in your life behind you - you will be open to fully being carried by the favourable winds of change towards the light. This could be the end of an illness.. a resolution of a conflict.. leaving something stressful and moving on.. taking a trip which will materialise positive changes for you in your life, (whether physical changes or changes in your outlook).


The next step you have to take (leap of faith) is to stop, reflect and thoroughly contemplate the truth, alone, in order to envision whether it is now the right time to move forward. Take time to yourself to review your past time-line and your future plans, and exercise caution over any details in order to rebut any potential hidden agendas at play. If necessary consult an expert.


In order to manifest even more successfully, be open to turning the negatives into positives.. be open to great new ideas, inspiration and clarity flowing to you from this previously troublesome situation in your life! Through this vision, having found an opportunistic solution to the past challenge(s), you will be able to focus your thoughts more effectively on your long-term goals and follow through with a plan of action after having rid yourself of confusion and any misconceptions. 


A message from your higher self/source energy/spirit is to not divert and dwell on the negatives of the past! Believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Focus on your healing, and if needed reach out to close friends, family and/or wise counsel to give you that extra support. Things may not have turned out the way you expected in the past, but there's always a positive/silver lining in every situation.. the future is bright, so look forward with optimism! 




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